Here are dimensions to create the best, high quality engaging visual elements on your social media page, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Youtube.
Facebook Image Sizes
Image Sizes and Dimensions
- Cover image: 820 x 312 px | maximum 100 KB
- Profile image: minimum 180 x 180 px
- Shared image: 1200 x 630 px
- Highlighted image: 1200 x 717 px
- Event image: 1920 x 1080 px
- Stories: 1080 x 1920 px
- Supported image file types: JPG, GIF or PNG

Twitter Image Sizes
Image Sizes and Dimensions
- Profile photo: 400 x 400 px | maximum 2 MB
- Cover photo: 1500 x 500 px | maximum 5 MB
- Timeline photo: 1024 x 512 px
- Supported image file types: JPG, WEBP, GIF or PNG

Instagram Image Sizes
Image Sizes and Dimensions
- Profile picture: 180 x 180 px
- Image thumbnail: 161 x 161 px
- Shared photo: 1080 x 1080 px
- Shared video: 1080 px wide
- Instagram stories: 1080 x 1920 px | maximum 4 GB
- Supported image file types: PNG or JPG

LinkedIn Image Sizes
Image Sizes and Dimensions
- Banner image: 1584 x 396 px | maximum 4 MB
- Profile image: 400 x 400 px | maximum 10 MB
- Company cover image: 1536 x 768 px | maximum 4 MB
- Company logo image: 300 x 300 px | maximum 4 MB
- Company page banner image: 646 x 220 px | maximum 2 MB
- Supported image file types: PNG, JPG or GIF
- Slideshare file size limit: 300 MB

Pinterest Image Sizes
Image Sizes and Dimensions
- Profile image: 165 x 165 px | maximum 10 MB
- Board cover image: 222 x 150 px
- Pinned image preview: 236 px
- Supported image file type: PNG, JPG or GIF

YouTube Image Sizes
Image Sizes and Dimensions
- Channel header image: 2560 x 1440 px (for desktop), 1855 x 423 px (for tablets), 1546 x 423 px (for smartphones), and 2560 x 1440 px (for TV)
- Channel profile photo: 800 x 800 px
- Video thumbnail: 1280 x 720 px
- Supported image file types: PNG, JPG, GIF or BMP

来源:Pictures from statusbrew