How to Create a WhatsApp Sales Funnel

How to Create a WhatsApp Sales Funnel
16Nov, 2023
Increase customer engagement with WhatsApp chatbot!

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world today.

With over 2.2 billion monthly active users, WhatsApp messaging has transcended the way we view and use instant messaging apps. It has also revolutionized the way businesses communicate with customers and clients, proving to be extremely powerful in helping brands capture leads, engage audiences, drive sales and promote themselves.

WhatsApp is a great business tool in many ways

When it comes to connecting with customers on a personal and relevant level, WhatsApp has become a useful tool in helping businesses achieve this. Many companies don’t just use WhatsApp to provide customer service; They develop customized marketing strategies and campaigns based on the tool, which in turn creates sales funnels that help marketers identify and quantify their leads.

If you as a business owner and marketer want to effectively and efficiently qualify your prospects, you must develop a strong sales process that successfully guides interested prospects down the proverbial “funnel” toward conversion.

WhatsApp is one of the most cost-effective and powerful help tools on the market, but many marketers don’t know how to do it or use WhatsApp. According to a Salesforce survey, 68% of companies haven’t tried to measure their sales funnel, and an estimated 79% of sales leads don’t convert.

How does the sales funnel work in WhatsApp?

WhatsApp sales funnels work similarly to traditional sales funnels, which businesses can use to qualify their customers at each stage of the buying process and their pain points.

There is no one-size-fits-all sales funnel for businesses, however, they generally consist of the following stages:

The first stage: Awareness (knowledge) – when the company establishes awareness and preliminary understanding of its products or services.

The third stage: Interest – when a potential customer becomes aware of and expresses interest in the business, product or service.

The third stage: Consideration – Potential customers become more interested in and invest in the entire product, service or brand.

The fourth stage: Purchase – after considering the product or service, the customer is ready to buy.

When businesses use WhatsApp as a marketing tool, it can be effectively applied to various stages of this typical sales funnel example.

In the first stage, businesses can use WhatsApp to promote their business profile to a target list of potential customers. This can come in the form of broadcasting messages, sharing links to relevant content, running WhatsApp ad campaigns or offering sales incentives to start a conversation. Achieve Awareness.

In the second stage, businesses can send personalized messages to a carefully curated list of qualified prospects. Businesses may want to further educate their audience on the benefits and features of their product or service, or share additional resources, case studies, or testimonials to build trust. Realize interest.

In the third stage, customers may express specific needs or pain points, at which point businesses can use WhatsApp to send more detailed information, have an open conversation with customers, answer questions, or offer free trials or demos to move them further down the funnel. Influence decision-making and allow customers to make choices (Consideration).

In the fourth stage, once the customer agrees to purchase the product or service, the business will facilitate the transaction by sending a direct link to the checkout page, providing payment options, applying discounts or offers, or arranging for delivery or pickup. Sales can be done via WhatsApp or through the business website. Complete the purchase. Related Content: WhatsApp Shop Online Purchase

It is also important to note that once a customer makes a purchase, their loyalty and business relationship must be maintained. Businesses can continue the conversation, nurture customers, provide additional support, request feedback, and share updates, new products, and referral discounts and incentives. All of this builds loyalty and increases the likelihood of repeat sales and growth. Furthermore, the opportunity for businesses to benefit from WhatsApp Led Growth (WLG) and its growing ecosystem is huge.

Why is it important to develop a strong WhatsApp sales funnel?

An optimized WhatsApp sales funnel can provide businesses with numerous benefits, including (but not limited to):

  • Receive a steady stream of higher quality leads through effective positioning and brand awareness.
  • Increase Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) through ongoing nurturing, support and useful information.
  • Gain valuable customer insights through WhatsApp conversations and feedback.
  • Engaging conversations and a strong sense of trust lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Ability to optimize communication strategy and user experience.
  • Testimonials and testimonials increase from satisfied customers, who are also likely to share testimonials and reviews.
  • Communicate with customers in real time to resolve issues or concerns quickly and efficiently.
  •   Being able to help businesses automate specific tasks, such as follow-up messages, reminders or offers, can help teams be more productive.

Advantages of using WhatsApp for business

While the appearance of WhatsApp as a potential sales channel is obvious, it’s important to consider its standalone benefits as a marketing and communications channel for businesses.

  • WhatsApp has a large global user base, giving businesses access to an unprecedented number of potential customers around the world, including emerging and emerging markets.
  • WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption to protect messages, calls, and links. All user data is private and secure, so any sensitive information shared cannot be exploited. And, since WhatsApp’s servers are constantly patched and updated, it’s like having a 24/7 managed detection and response service.
  • WhatsApp messages have a higher open rate (98%) compared to other marketing channels like SMS and email. This makes it easier to help companies engage their audience and start meaningful conversations.
  • WhatsApp is free for businesses for the first 1,000 conversations per month. Businesses can save significant costs compared to using telemarketing, video ads, text messages, or email marketing, which is great news for startups and small businesses.
  • WhatsApp is primarily a mobile-first app, and that’s where the market is going. Customers want the convenience and immediacy of mobile-first marketing, and WhatsApp allows businesses to take advantage of this.

How to Build a High-Converting WhatsApp Sales Funnel

Now that you have an idea of what a typical WhatsApp funnel looks like and the benefits that using this tool can bring to your business, it’s time to think about the best possible steps to building such a funnel.

  1. Define your target audience: Define the type of customers you want to target with WhatsApp. Identify their pain points, expectations, preferences, and buying behaviors to influence the rest of your strategy. Remember, this channel has to work for them.
  • Create a WhatsApp Business account: Customize your business’s WhatsApp account with your brand logo, profile picture, contact information, and other elements so recipients know the account is legitimate. You want your customers to easily recognize your business.
  • Build your target contact list: From your audience, define the segments that are most relevant for your WhatsApp messages and content. You can promote your WhatsApp details in ads or campaigns on other marketing channels and encourage people to opt-in to receive messages.
  • Develop a communications strategy: Determine what types of messages to send to your target customers at each stage of the sales funnel. Communication styles in Phase 1 are different from those in Phases 2-4, so consider your language and frequency of messages. Remember to do it in a conversational manner as this is more appropriate for the platform.
  • Decide what resources and content you will share: When developing your messaging strategy, consider what content you will share with your recipients at each stage of the marketing funnel. What will you promote? What can you share with them if they ask relevant questions or address any concerns? Make sure you have plenty of relevant, useful, and engaging content to distribute. Be aware that too much content can overwhelm customers.
  • Create an offer or discount (if relevant): Create an exclusive offer, promotion or offer for your WhatsApp subscribers to encourage them to stay engaged with your business on the platform. Make sure any links or code work properly with other channels like your website.
  • Don’t ignore the message: You’ll likely interact with customers at multiple stages over time, and they’ll all have unique questions, concerns, and issues. Be transparent in your answers and make sure there are no unanswered questions. Being thorough will ensure customers feel heard and their needs met, fostering a greater sense of loyalty and trust.
  • Nurture the relationships you build: Regardless of whether a customer has purchased once before, make sure you communicate openly with them on a semi-regular basis to ensure you still value them as a customer. While you should be careful not to spam existing customers unnecessarily, you should always make them aware that they feel valued and nurtured.
  • Track and analyze your results: Track the performance of your sales funnel by using WhatsApp Business API or any other third-party analytics tool. Think about the right metrics to track, whether it’s conversations, leads, or sales. You can identify strategies and patterns that are working and those that need improvement. Test and optimize your calls to action, content, offers, and messaging based on your interactions. Analyzing the data will help you make informed strategic decisions on how to further optimize your channels.

With commitment and persistence, WhatsApp can become a valuable lead generation and sales tool that can be of great value in helping your business grow. Focus on providing tangible value to your customers and building meaningful relationships with them through WhatsApp, and don’t be afraid to experiment and learn.

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